
The goal of the Community LIFE Network is to help our communities to network together and find solutions to overcome the problems of the 21st century. 

We are 100% volunteer run, and dedicated to make a difference in the world utilizing ourselves as already existing networks to find the resources easily missed.   By networking through each others LIFES, we are able to connect the dots that are easily accessible.  In our need for more public servants in our communities, it is the hope to provide an avenue to free up time for community leaders to better focus on helping their communities and less on worrying about where the resources and the money is going to come from.

The Community LIFE Network is slowly but continuously working with people to develop an extensive network to help all of humanity.  When dispersed movements come together for the hardest most difficult challenges facing our planet and our civilization, magic can happen, and quickly.  Sometimes we need to realize that projects and causes that we normally don’t work on, can be our own too, when the time is right.

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